Mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu
Mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu

mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu
  1. Mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu Patch#
  2. Mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu full#
mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu

Auto Sampler now correctly writes files to Alias folders. Layer ranges in EXS instruments created by Auto Sampler now have the correct setting for the lowest velocity value for each layer. The display of markers again follows the progression of Playback. The displayed value of screen controls is no longer sometimes 1 increment less than the saved value.

Mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu Patch#

Using the New Patch from Selected Patched command to combine two patches no longer sometimes causes output signal routed through a bus to stop sounding in rare cases when the Concert is reloaded. Sustained notes are no longer sometimes cut off when played through an alias channel strip that includes a Patch Bus. Meters are once again active on mono channel strips that are panned hard right. I/O labels now work correctly on mono channel inputs and outputs. Plug-ins on stereo channel strips that have been set to mono no longer unexpectedly change to stereo when the concert is reloaded. Patches saved with plug-ins that use Software Instrument tracks as side chain inputs now properly recall the side chain setting when reloaded. A new Aux channel strip is no longer created automatically when assigning a Patch Bus as a destination if that Patch Bus is already an input for an existing Aux channel. Playback now reliably plays sound after a saved concert is loaded.

mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu

There is no longer sometimes unexpected CPU usage when switching patches while holding notes.

Mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu full#

Concerts saved with Edit and Assignments & Mapping mode active no longer show a white screen when switching to Performance mode in full screen. The power buttons for Sends in the Track Header now respond more quickly when swiping to enable/disable them. MainStage no longer hangs when a Waves GTR Ground controller is attached. MainStage no longer sometimes hangs when patches are dragged to different positions in large concerts. MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when the Apply Changes button is pressed after changing the sample rate during playback. Switching patches from Logic Remote with a concert using custom icons MainStage no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when:

Mainstage 3.3 external instrument sustain pedal high cpu